EPWC Members:
We’re “teeing off” our 2018/19 Estes Park Woman’s Club year on
September 12 with a luncheon at The Hangar (18-hole golf course). This
year is all about “Amazing Women of Estes Park” and our speaker is our
own Judi Cunningham, “Celebrating 100 Years of Golf.” Second Vice
Presidents, Sarah Walsh, Barbara Poweleit & Connie Phipps are planning
our programs and venues. Our September meeting will also be our “kick
off” for Bright Christmas which is a local program to help families struggling
to make ends meet and enjoy a Merry Christmas by providing new toys,
clothing and special treats for the whole family. Pam Appel, Lynn Larkin
and Carol Smid will be collecting money over the next couple of meetings.
If you did not receive your luncheon RSVP email, please let Sallie
Brackman know (salliebrackman@aol.com)
I’ll be emailing out periodic “President Newsletters” and I hope to include
“Did You Know.” This one is about our Labor Day Garage Sale.
• The first year that we did a garage sale only two ladies (Judi
Cunningham & Mary Kay Phillips) set up all by themselves. This year
we had dozens of ladies drop by to set-up.
• Our co-chairs for this fundraiser were Joy Holcomb & Catherine
Moon. Catherine had to be out-of-town to help her daughter prior to
the sale but sent flyers and other materials while she was away. She
was able to return and help on the day of the sale. Sue Hansen
stepped in to help co-chair with Joy and will also deliver left-over
items to a thrift store down in Loveland (can you believe all of our
thrift stores are too full at this time). Catherine’s husband also took
left-over items down to Loveland. Clothing and linens were sent to
the Rosebud Indian Reservation in SD. The committee also included
Hulda Bachman-Neeb and Patti Erbe. Thanks to Polly for the
newspaper publicity. There were so many helpers (from dropping off
items, setting up/cleaning up, selling baked goods, cashiering,
helping in the holding area, and constant roaming and helping
buyers) that there were too many ladies to list here but you know who
you are and I send you all A BIG THANK YOU.
• Each year the bake sale is a bigger and bigger success. Last year
the bake sale profits were $215.01 and this year $314.25!
• Nancy Fuller again put together wonderful “theme baskets” and we
sold 14 of the 18 that were made. The remaining four baskets will be
sold at our Holiday House bake sale.
• Our overall total profits, after expenses, last year were $2,405.27 and
this year $2,861.15. Way to go!
Connie Phipps and Shirley Neely-Turpin have put together a wonderful new
yearbook that will be passed out at our September luncheon. Look
carefully at all of the new information included this year. Let’s also
remember to bring our yearbook to each meeting.
I’m looking forward to this coming year and getting to know you all better.
Susan Robertson
Estes Park Woman’s Club President, 2018/19
P.S. Anytime you want a copy of our Luncheon Minutes or Board Minutes,
let me know and I’ll email you copies!