The first event for the 2019-2020 Woman’s Club year started off with a BANG. If you missed the Garage Sale, held 9-31, it was a terrific event. Audrey TeSelle and Susan Robertson worked all summer with many challenges, to pull this annual event together.Their efforts paid off in a big way ! Congratulations to Audrey & Susan as well as PROFOUND THANKS.
Nan Abbiatti, and her bake sale crew also had great success….it was a mighty tasty part of the day. Thanks also to Nan.
I will hold you in suspense for now, and share the financial profits with you at the September 11, luncheon. Just an ongoing example of what this club can accomplish,much like our predecessors.Special thanks to each member who contributed to the success of this event. You can look forward to great luncheons with interesting speakers for the next 9 months.The 2nd Vice Presidents will provide the monthly information, as Sallie Brackman, the Reservations chairwoman, emails your luncheon reservation form.Please continue to invite guests and friends to attend our monthly luncheons.As you know, we welcome all women to join Estes Park Woman’s Club.
Please refer to your yearbook, (which you will receive at the Sept. luncheon), for dates and locations of these meetings.
Many of our annual events, are ongoing, including Holiday House Bake Sale, Bright Christmas and books for our Little Lending Library, affiliations withthe Estes Park Schools, and the library, to mention a few.Please consider being part of our many events/projects, as an active volunteer.Woman’s Club is the oldest philanthropic organization in Estes Park. The legacy of our founders is an inspiring component of EPWC, as we look to the future.
2020 will be the 100th anniversary of the Women’s Suffrage Movement and the passage of the 19th Amendment.A committee of many local organizations is busy planning celebration activities that EPWC has been part of.As we receive details, I will pass them along to you.
You will also be hearing about an exciting project that the EPWC board is planning, for all women, May 16, 2020.You are invited to be an active volunteer, as this Women’s Conference is put together.Plans are not complete yet, for this first ever event for Women, sponsored by EPWC.You will be hearing more about this in coming newsletters.
The year has started off with a BANG and it promises to be a year you will enjoy.I look forward to seeing you . Please feel free to call me at any time.Judy Schaffer