Susan Robertson March Letter

At our February 13th luncheon, Patti Erbe was thanked with a lovely floral arrangement for her 13 years as our Treasurer. A BIG THANK YOU Patti from all of us! Loretta DeWitt thanks the ladies that made a donation to American Cancer Society for a total of $200.  Way to go! Loretta will contact you in mid-March to pick up your daffodils.
Thanks to all that came out to participate in Bingo Night, February 22, at the American Legion. We so appreciate Nan Abbiatti and her team – Diane Palmer, Gini Wiseman, Barb Poweleit and Gail Henrichs The American Legion Auxiliary Post 119 sponsored this event and donated all raffle sales and a portion of bingo for a total of $748.50 to EPWC.  An additional $65 was donated by members that could not attend.  Thanks for inviting friends & family, donating decorated wreaths or baskets and to the local merchants that donated generous gift certificates.
Community Cafe is March 8th, to be held at the Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church, off of Dry Gulch. Signed up to do food prep at 2:30 – Diane Palmer & Judy Taphorn; dishwasher at 4:30 – Susan Robertson & Catherine Moon; dining room set up or waitress at 3:30 or 4:00 – Susan Hackmeier, Jan Burgess, Loretta DeWitt, Pat Reed, JoAnn Batey, Patti & Richard Erbe, Karen McClure & Dave Everes; greeter at 4:15 – Susie Manhoff and clean-up at 6:00 – Nan & Mike Abbiatti, Jan Gehlhausea & Pam Appel.
Did you know?  The process for next year’s Board (for more details go to our Yearbook, By-Laws, page 19):

  • March meeting – Directors will present a slate of Executive Officers for next year; President, 2 VPs, 3 2nd VPs, Recording Secretary & Assistant, Corresponding Secretary & Assistant, Treasurer and Assistant.
  • April meeting – members will vote on the proposed slate of executive officers. Nominations can be made from the floor but the member must have agreed!  
  • May meeting – installation of all new officers, directors, and chairs who will make up our Board of Directors.

How can you help with our upcoming final fundraiser for the year?:

  • Buy Duck Race Tickets or ask your friends to buy a ticket – Kathye Osborne, Gwenda Purdy & Gini Wiseman will sell them at our March & April luncheons. A ticket is $20 with $19 going back to EPWC.

Hope to see you at our March 13 luncheon at Nicky’s. Please respond quickly to your RSVPify email to make your lunch reservation no later than March 7. Reservation questions, contact Sallie Brackman at 816-225-9130. Speaker: Nancy Thomas on Eleanor Hondius.
Susan Robertson, EPWC President, 2018-19

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