We bring together women who are interested in building a better community.

The purpose of the Woman’s Club is to bring together women who are interested in building a better community. By joining forces with others, we are able to make improvements within our community that we could not do by ourselves.


The Estes Park Woman’s Club was organized in 1912. The women spent their first year building mountain trails and making scenic areas accessible to hikers and horseback riders. After that first year, the women turned their attention to establishing a meeting place. They decided to build a clubhouse that would also be a library. In 1914, the Woman’s Club was accepted in the Colorado Federation and General Federation of Women’s Clubs. In 1916, the women established their library at the local school. In 1920, the school needed the room to expand so the library was moved to a rented room in a downtown hotel. Then, in 1922, the town donated a lot in Bond Park for the library site and the Woman’s Club was responsible for the building of the Estes Park Public Library. The Woman’s Club and volunteers donated labor and materials and raised money for additional materials needed to build the library. The women established a fund to support the maintenance of the library in 1925. The Estes Valley Library continues to receive the support of the Estes Woman’s Club today!

What’s New?

Community Support

The Estes Park Woman’s Club is proud to support local organizations within Estes Park and the surrounding communities.

Estes Park Elementary School

Members support the school by volunteering in the reading program and annual book sale. Money is annually set aside to give to the school for specific projects. Clothing items are routinely donated from members to give to students in need.

Estes Valley Public Library

Started the Town library with a few books in a part-time schoolroom.  When the Town donated a lot in Bond Park, the club raised $5,000 to build and furnish the building.  The women raised funds and operated the library for 53 years before transferring it to the town.  EPWC continues to support the library, most recently donated money to have a fireplace installed in the new “Quiet Room” on the second floor.

Rocky Mountain National Park

Supported establishment of Rocky Mountain National Park and provided land for the Park Headquarters. The original Deer Mountain trail was built by the members. The Club still supports the Park through various venues and when a specific need arises. As a result of the 2013 flood the Club donated $2,000 for signage at the Glacier Basin Campground to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of RMNP and the partnership with the Woman’s Club.

Town of Estes Park

Served as the Town Chamber of Commerce and government before either were in existence. The Club sponsored the welcoming sign at the Knoll-Willows Centennial Open Space Project ($1,500.00) .  See remarks by Pat Pickering at the town’s Centennial Celebration in 2017 under 2017-2018 Pat Pickering.  Previously $2,000 was donated to rebuild the bird sanctuary after the 2013 flood. The Club continues to support the Town through conservation and civic improvement projects.

Annual Projects

During the year, the Estes Park Woman’s Club engages in a number of annual projects.

Bright Christmas

Every year Woman’s Club joins with the Bright Christmas program to provide  a local family a joyous Christmas.  We collect monetary donations to purchase gifts for the family.  The women on this project puts hours of time shopping and wrapping the gifts.  All gifts are customized to fit the individual needs and wishes.  The lucky family are extremely grateful and over joyed .

Little Library in Performance Park

The Woman’s Club joined the Estes Valley Library with the Little Libraries.  A Little Library kit was purchased, put together by a member’s husband, hand painted by two members and stocked with many donated books.  Our dedicated members regularly check the “Little Library” to make sure it has books for all ages to be enjoyed by anyone wanting to read a book.  Please stop by Performance Park and see our Little Library


Luncheon meetings are held at 11:30 am on the second Wednesday of the calendar month, unless otherwise notified. Members are notified by email. Members must respond as instructed in the email. Members without email will be called.

September 13,2023 The Bird’s Nest $25.00 Crossroads Ministries, “”
October 11, 2023 American Legion $25.00 Jessica Garner
“Community Development Director”
November 08, 2023 The American Legion $25.00 Breeyan Edwards 1st Colorado Realty
“Women Owned Businesses”
December 13, 2023 Community Center $25.00 Seasonal Music “”
January 10, 2024 American Legion $25.00 Pat Samples, Chief Nursing Officer “Hospital Health and Wellness”
February 14, 2024 American Legion $25.00 Barbara Jo Limmiatis “Early Literary Programs”
March 13, 2024 The Landing of Estes Park $25.00 Town Coordination, “Events and Happenings”
April 10, 2024 Mother’s Cafe $25.00 Julie Watkins; CEO of YMCA, “Happenings at the YMCA”
May 8, 2024 Twin Owls Steak House $25.00 Installation of Officers and Honoring past Presidents

Club dues for 2023-2024 are $35.00.
Members joining after February 1, 2023, will pay one-half the annual amount for the remainder of the WC season.


Officers & Committee Heads

2023-2024 Officers and Directors and Committees

President – Kathy Littlejohn

First Vice President (Membership) –  Cherie Martin, Lynn Larkin

Second Vice President (Programs) –  Ingrid Drouin, Bonnie Rumsey, Judy Wood

Recording Secretary – Sherry Unruh – Assistant – Becky Velthoen

Corresponding Secretary – Diane Palmer – Assistant – Judith Taphorn

Treasurer – Patti Erbe – Assistant – Diane Shriver

Directors – Esther Cenac, Susan L Cooper, Janet Taylor, Amanda Luchsinger, Marlene Boreman

Immediate Past President – Judi Cunningham

Parliamentarian – Judi Cunningham

Publicity – Linda Remigio

Yearbook Editor – Carla Spreng-Webb

Reservation Chair – Pattie Klein

Name Tags – Judith Taphorn, Diane Deister, Barbara Poweleit, Karen Chionio

Historian – Marlene Boreman, Carla Spreng Webb

Song Leaders – Judy Portman, Verlene Thorp

Web & Facebook – Kathy Bryson


Duck Chair – Karen Thompson

Bright Christmas – Marlene Borneman, Stacey Harding, Jan Gehlhausen

Scholarship Fund – Esther Cenac, Pattie Erbe, Pat Pickering, Lila Conrad, Barbara Poweleit, Sherry Unruh

Estes Park Elementary School – Judy Cunningham, Judy Portman, Kathye Osborne, Maggie Rothermel

Estes Park Little Lending Library – Marlene Borneman, Becky Elrod

Estes Valley Library & Foundation – Kathye Osborne

Fund Development – Patti Erbe, Barb Poweleit, Kathy Littlejohn