Judy Schaffer, February News

  1. DEEP GRATITUDE for all of the greetings, care & love that you all shared with me in
    recent weeks.
    Your care & kindness was the best possible medication !
    Special thanks to Judi Cunninham & Cindy Leaycraft for conducting the Jan. luncheon.
  2. Please note that the Febr. 12 luncheon reservations have gone out….if you have not
    Received the email, please contact Sallie Brackman asap.
    Consider car pools to this luncheon.
    Lorreta DeWitt will be taking orders for daffodils to support the American Cancer
    Society, at the luncheon. Cash or checks ONLY. $10.00 per bunch.
    Orders will be taken thru 2-18 by calling Lorretta @ 586-3464.
    Pick up date : March 24, 2020.
    Hulda Bachman-Neeb & Nick Zellenger will be speaking at this luncheon.
    We are grateful to them for what will be a very interesting presentation.
  3. Tickets for the May 16, 2020 Celebrating Women Woman’s Club event are now
    available for purchase @ $25 each. Includes speaker & lunch.
    Contact Patti Erbe to arrange purchase. CelebratingWomen2020@gmail.com

PLEASE purchase your tickets as soon as possible

Encourage friends and acquaintances to join you at the SPECIAL event.
FULL MEMBER SUPPORT will ensure the success of this event.

  1. Kathye Osborne is selling Duck Race Tickets.
    Please contact Kathye for your tickets. $20.00…from this amt. the WC will receive
    $19.00 ! Be sure to indicate that WC is your choice for the donation.
  2. Welcome to Sherry Unruh as the our new Estes Valley Library Liason.
  3. Febr. 19 th , 10 AM… at the Estes Park Museum, the WC history book, When the
    WomeTook Over, will be discussed as part of the Museum 1917 book club.
    I will send the “notice” in a separate email with details.
  4. You will also receive, in a separate email, a tentative listing of activities being planned
    by the committee working on celebrations for the 100 th Anniv. of the 19 th
  1. WC project to purchase HIGH AS A HAWK for all 3 rd graders & the library, is on target
    & donations are still being taken.
    This is one way that Woman’s Club is participating with the celebration of the
    Women’s Suffrage anniversary.
    This is in cooperation with the Rocky Mountain Conservancy
    and the Library.
    Thanks to all who have participated !
    Contact Judi Cunningham if you want to contribute.
  2. Remember ladies, that as you begin your Spring housecleaning, save some treasures
    for the annual WC Garage Sale !!!!
    Sept will be here before we know it !!!

Susan & Audrey are already in planning mode !!!!
We welcome guests and encourage membership in our historical and
vibrant organization. Bring & Welcome a guest !
Looking forward to Seeing you at the luncheon, at the Dunraven, next week.
Judy Schaffer

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