Christmas Luncheon

Thanks to all of our members and guests that attended today’s Christmas luncheon at the Estes Park Community Center.  Our special treat was hearing the beautiful Christmas songs by The MountainAires. Kasey Troutman, 970-480-5148, invites all that would like to join this group to give her a call.  Here’s a bit more history about this group from Verlene Thorp, EP Woman’s Club member and accompanist:
“It was indeed a project of EPWC way, way back and we have always been appreciative of the support, encouragement and EPWC members who sing.  We gave a program for EPWC at McAfee Hall when the Old Church Shops was still Community Church of the Rockies.  Helen Lewis, PP of EPWC, organized and accompanied that first performance, and Joan Reed directed.  Silly, I can still recall the dress I wore that day!   After that, we said we wanted to continue to sing together and Helen Lewis took over as director, expanding it to perform always for EPWC and many local service organizations.   We have always had the cream of the crop for directors and singers alike.   My regret is that I do not have a list of all the women who sang  with us over years, as it is impressive.  In my mind’s eye,  I remember so many, many dear ones who did.  Mary Roessner (PP) and I sat together at one time. I am now retaining a list each year so I have more recent information.   It has been my pleasure to not only sing with, but extreme pleasure to accompany them.  I was honored that my dear friend Sue Spooner, a faithful MountainAires and PP of EPWC, sponsored me.”
Special thanks to all that contributed to Bright Christmas and to Pam Appel, Lynn Larkin, and Carol Smid that purchased gifts that will help brighten the Christmas for several families in Estes Park.  Thanks to Connie Phipps that arranged today’s luncheon, including catering by Big Horn Restaurant (and yes, the gravy, was very good, as was all of the meal, including those yummy desserts).  The tables were decorated by Connie and her helpers, Judi Cunningham and Judy Schaffer.  And there were many others that helped make this a very special event … my thanks to all!
Wishing you all a Happy Holiday season!
Susan RobertsonEstes Park Woman’s Club President, 2018-19
Hope to see you all at our January 9 luncheon at Bird & Jim’s.  Program to be announced!

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