A year ago, as I was preparing to fill the President position, I had great trepidation in my abilities to speak, motivate, and lead the wonderful members of the Club. The September flood pretty much put those feelings in perspective. My insecurities had to take a step back so we could come together as a Club and help our community to survive this disaster. We can be proud of our Club and what it has done for the community during this time. It has been a privilege to represent Estes Park Woman’s Club.
Estes Valley Library | $2,221.00, the balance of the restoration costs for the library. |
Town of Estes Park | Recreation and Park District – $2,000.00 to be applied to the restoration of the Bird Sanctuary. |
Estes Park School | $400.00 was given for free books to children affected by the flood at the school book fair. $1,000.00 will be given to the school/library in January, 2015 to sponsor an author to speak to students. Hopefully this will become an annual contribution from the Woman’s Club. |
RMNP | $2,000.00 has been earmarked for the flood restoration in the Alluvial Fan area in 2015. |
This fulfills our Purpose and Scope to support the four following areas in our community:
Members assisted in making happy calls to the community as the No Flush Zones opened up. The Club collected $862.00 for Bright Christmas. The Holiday House bake sale sold $1,200.00 in baked goods of which $571.00 was given to the Elizabeth Guild. We collected canned goods for Crossroads and hats and gloves for school children. The scholarship fund was privileged to give $6,000.00 to three local high school seniors.

The Estes Park Woman’s Club has presented the Estes Valley Recreation and Park District two thousand dollars to be used toward the re-vegetation of the Bird Sanctuary area along the Lake Estes Trail. The damage from the flood was extensive along the walking path and the bird sanctuary area, as well as adjacent areas including the Nine-Hole Golf Course. Repair and vegetation work plans are well under way and several volunteer groups will be working on Saturday, May 10 with an inclement weather date of May 31.
The purpose of the Woman’s Club is to bring together women who are interested in building a better community. Before the Woman’s Club centennial celebrations were over, the club’s Long Range Planning Committee began working to identify areas that the club could help support. Four areas were selected and approved by the board. These areas are The Estes Valley Library, the Estes Park schools, Rocky Mountain National Park and the Town of Estes Park. Funds were given to the library to cover remaining flood damage costs. School children who were displaced by the flood were given a book. The club has set aside monies to help the National Park in 2015 during flood restoration activities. The Estes Park Woman’s Club is dedicated to being an ongoing force for community good.
The Estes Park Woman’s Club has made a substantial contribution to support the recovery of the Estes Valley Library following last September’s flood. Thanks to the community spirit and generosity of the Woman’s Club board and its membership, the remaining balance of the library’s repair costs have been reimbursed. The Woman’s Club gift saves taxpayer dollars, while ensuring that disaster repair costs cause no reduction in the library’s vital services to the community.
Last September’s flooding event marked a time of exceptional challenge to the Estes Valley. The library’s downtown Estes Park facility sustained damage and unexpected expenses at the very time that staff members were working to serve the immediate information and technology needs of residents. While much of those disaster costs were reimbursed with federal and state dollars—and while expenses were reduced with the use of an estimated $4000 worth of volunteer labor—significant bills still remained.
The Estes Park Woman’s Club has come to the rescue. Last week, Woman’s Club president Pam Appel, joined by past president Judi Cunningham, presented a check for $2221.91 to Library Development Officer Jerry Kennell and Library Director Claudine Perrault. These funds, along with an additional $675 received from the public, have made the difference in fully recuperating from financial losses.
The Estes Valley Library owes its very origins to the Estes Park Woman’s Club, which raised funds for the establishment of the town’s first library in 1916. Club members staffed and administered the library for the better part of the 20th century, leading efforts toward library-related building projects and the promotion of literacy in the community. Having celebrated its centennial in 2012, the Woman’s Club has demonstrated a passionate commitment to the presence and importance of the library in the lives of local residents.
To learn more about the Estes Park Woman’s Club, contact president Pam Appel at 970-586-5059. To reach the Estes Valley Library, call 970-586-8116 or visit
Did you know that the members of the Estes Park Woman’s Club have become Christmas elves? Members have been very busy collecting money for Bright Christmas, food for Crossroads, and hats, mittens, gloves for the elementary school.
Our Bright Christmas elves, Bobbie Christenson and Marian Stencel collected $862.00 from members. The money was used to bring Christmas joy to three Estes Park families. Bobbie and Marian bought gifts for the eight children, and gift cards for the parents. Shopping and wrapping gifts brought joy to the elves!
At our November and December luncheons canned goods were collected for Crossroads. In December the members brought hats, gloves, mittens and scarves to be donated to the elementary school children. Throughout the year, Judi Cunningham collects box tops and coupons which benefit the elementary school.
The devastating September flood affected many children in our schools. The Woman’s Club donated $400.00 to the elementary school to buy books for children affected by the flood.
The Club’s annual bake sale at Holiday House brought in $571.81 for our donation to The Elizabeth Guild. Yes, our elves are also fabulous bakers!
The Estes Park Woman’s Club is a “club for all seasons”, and its members will continue working throughout the year as a force for community good!
The October luncheon meeting had to be moved to a different venue, since Aspen Lodge was severely damaged by a mud slide. The Other Side Restaurant was able to accommodate the group with 51 members and visitors attending.
September 11, 2013 – the 500 or 1000 year flood hit our area. Woman’s Club is working to help our community, friends and neighbors.
Although many members were affected by the flood, members are coming together to help each other, as well as, the community. Currently we are participating in the elementary school book fair, making sure every child affected by the flood gets a book to take home.
For weeks after the 2013 flood, many residents and businesses were in a NO Flush Zone. The Upper Thompson Sanitation Department provided Port-a-Lets. As you can see, they came in many colors and were located throughout the Estes Park area. Due to our excess wind, ever so often some of them blew over. That is not to say maybe the wind had a little help from pranksters. The Woman’s Club was instrumental in helping the community by contacting individuals when they were removed from the NO Flush Zone. We made over 200 happy calls.
August 26, 2013 a prominent member of Woman’s Club (Shirley Neely-Turpin) gave an inspiring and comical story about the founding members of Woman’s Club. This event took place in Bond Park for the Estes Valley Victim Advocates program celebrating Women’s Equality Day.
The Rocky Mountain Treasure Hunt (Woman’s Club garage sale),took place August 17, 2013. This event was planned during the 2012-2013 year, but the monies raised went into 2013-2014 budget. $3,290.12 was raised at this event.