2014-2015 | Esther Cenac

The Estes Park Woman’s Club donated $2,000 for signage at the Glacier Basin Campground to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of RMNP and the partnership with the Woman’s Club. In September 2014 Woman’s Club members served as hostesses for the 100th Anniversary Opening Ceremony. This September 4, 2015 Woman’s Club members will serve as hostesses again for the Closing Event of RMNP’s 100th celebration.
When RMNP opened 100 years ago members of the Woman’s Club were the hostesses then for their Opening Ceremonies. The Estes Park Woman’s Club was instrumental in building trails in the Park and initially worked to establish the RMNP Headquarters in Estes Park. We invite visitors to the Park to stop by Lawn Lake Trailhead to view the sign commemorating the partnership between RMNP and the EPWC. Look up! The view is beautiful.

Donation to RMNP left to right: Judi Cunningham - Esther Cenac - Kyle Patterson, Spokesperson for Superintendent Vaughan Baker - Rich Fedorchak, Chief Interpretive Ranger
Donation to RMNP
left to right:
Judi Cunningham – Esther Cenac – Vaughan Baker – Rich Fedorchak

The Estes Park Honor Flight 2015 fundraising year got off to a great start with a call from the Estes Park Woman’s Club. They had voted to make a donation of $1000.00 to sponsor a local Veteran’s honor flight! The cost of every Estes Park Veteran who goes on the Honor Flight is $1,000.00 and this donation is so terrific. Northern Colorado Honor Flight takes veterans to Washington DC twice a year. Initially only World War II veterans were the beneficiaries, but the group has expanded to include Korean and Viet Nam era veterans plus Purple Heart recipients from any time. To date 64 veterans from Estes Park have gone on the flights. Over the last four years the Estes Park Committee has raised a little over $53,000.00 so there is a little more to go to keep up! Much thanks to the Woman’s Club.

Honor Flight Presentation left to right: Vern Mertz – Bob Brunson – Esther Cenac
Honor Flight Presentation
left to right:
Vern Mertz – Bob Brunson – Esther Cenac

President Esther Cenac presenting a check to Sandy Novotny of the Elizabeth Guild
President Esther Cenac presenting a check to Sandy Novotny of the Elizabeth Guild

Members of the Estes Park Woman’s Club some in vintage costume and cowboy dress rode our Estes Park Trolley with the Roof Top Rodeo horseback riding cowgirls down Elkhorn to the Fairgrounds in the Parade last week. All were greeted with cheers, smiles and waving hands.



The Estes Park Woman’s Club recently contributed to the American Legion Fund drive. Pictured presenting the donation check to Mr. Lee Wicks, on the right, are from left to right: Patti Erbe, Treasurer and Esther A. Cenac, President.

The Estes Park Woman’s Club is a non-profit philanthropic organization that has been an active force within the our community from 1912 when it was formed as a women’s club here in Estes Park.

left to right: Patti Erbe, Treasurer, Estes Park Woman’s Club Esther A. Cenac, President, Estes Park Woman’s Club Mr. Lee Wicks, American Legion Post 119
left to right:
Patti Erbe, Treasurer, Estes Park Woman’s Club
Esther A. Cenac, President, Estes Park Woman’s Club
Mr. Lee Wicks, American Legion Post 119

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