Fundraisers for 2017-2018

Annual Garage and Bake Sale!  September 2, 2017, 9AM-2PM.  This annual project was a great success.  The total collected (garage sale and bake sale combined) made $2568.76.  Thanks to all members that contributed items for the sale, baked goods for the sale and volunteered work time for the setup and or day of the sale.  The money goes into the general fund to be dispersed to areas of need in our community.

Annual Holiday House Bake Sale.  November 25, 2017.  The bake sale was a big success.  The total sales was $1774.75, including baskets sold ($337.00 and Donations of $316.50)  After giving the Elizabeth Guild $400.00 our profit was $1374.75.  This money will go into the WC general fund and will be disbursed to designated community areas as recognized by the WC Board of Directors and Officers.

BINGO NIGHT!   Bingo was a great success!  Bingo sales brought in $1067.10, Raffle Proceeds=$455.00 and the Silent Auction (baskets)=$609.00 the total event was $2131.00.  The advertising expenses for the event will be deducted and the remaining amount will go into our general fund for disbursement as determined by the Board.

Duck Race Tickets, 2018.  We will start selling tickets after the Christmas holiday.  The Board has set aside $1,000 from Duck Race Tickets sales for our Scholarship Fund.  Contacts Kathye Osborne and Gwenda Purdy

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